Quick Checks When Buying A Used Car

Your dream car caught your attention? Worried you can’t afford one? Don’t let your dream car just be a dream. There is a solution for every problem. And the solution is Used Cars!

Buying a used car is a great option and there are many cars at all price ranges, ages and conditions available in the market. It can truly get you more value for money as you will find the car you dream in the most economical way.

Check through these important facts before investing in a used car that minimizes the chance of you making the wrong choice.

1.       Ask Questions to the Owner?
Ask the owner why the car is being sold! Ask if the car has had any major issues or if it requires any significant repairs soon. Try and sense if the owner is hiding something about the vehicle.

2.       Check the tyres
The scorching temperatures can have a harmful effect on the health of tyres. Low treads increase the risk of a hazardous blowout, so ensure that there is at least 5mm of tread. Although the legal requirement is 2mm of tread, a well-maintained car should have decent rubber. This rule also applies to the brand of the tyre. If the tyres are by a brand you know, such as Bridgestone or Pirelli, it’s usually a sign that the owner hasn’t taken shortcuts on costs.

3.       Look out for oil leaks
Ask the owner to run the car for ten minutes and then check beneath. If you look at puddle of oil beneath, then alarm bells should start ringing, (you should also scan the driveway for suspicious looking stains). Wet patch of water is less alarming as these are just run-over from the air conditioning.

4.       Inspect the engine like an expert
You don’t need to know the complex mechanics to inspect a car. Lift the bonnet and check for a rational amount of dirt, to indicate that the owner hasn’t had the engine cleaned to mask any mechanical misbehavior.

5.       Check the paintwork
A swift inspection of the interior door frame will give you a knowledge of the cars original paint job. Depending on the age of car, it gives you a clue as to whether the car’s been resprayed. It could even expose if the car’s been in an accident. Dents and scrapes are also something to be watchful. You can also negotiate with the price in case of any odd scratch.

6.       Check for the Mileage
Most motorists cover between 20,000 and 30,000 kilometers a year. Do check the car's odometer to determine the age of the machine.

7.       Check the documentation
Ensure that you get a service book from the owner that has regular stamps and receipts for maintenance. This helps in buying a car for safer and potential purchase and not on a blind trust.

8.       Check the electrics
 Check all the switch gear, including electric mirrors, the sunroof and windows, to avoid any unwanted repair bills or silent trips.

Most obvious...

Take a Test drive
Check for the gearbox, breaks and general health of the vehicle as you test drive the car

Don’t trip on the first car you see
If you are specific about a car you want, just don’t snap for the first car you see. Look through few cars to get a clear idea of what else is in the market in your price range.


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