Our Earth, Our Home!

Earth Day has become one of the most widely celebrated environmental events across the globe on April 22nd each year. The day brings awareness to environmental protection and appreciate the uniqueness of our planet Earth with its incredible biodiversity. 

Why Earth Day on 22nd April?
Despite the terrible situation, humankind is aware, that we need to protect the Earth. The first action of Earth Day was held in the USA in 1970, and then it was marked by the society. People started to realize how Earth is valuable and started to treat it with care. However, Earth Day got the status of global event only in 2009, when United Nation Organization formalized Earth Day as global event for 22nd April.

Here are some GO GREEN guide that you can do in a simple way:

At Home:
ü  Recycle! Set up a conveniently located container for recyclables with a posted list of what should be placed inside. Check with your local recycling center for sorting methods
ü  Buy re-usable mops and rags for cleaning
ü  Leave grass clippings in your yard instead of bagging them. They will return nutrients to the soil naturally, without chemicals
ü  Turn off lights when not needed to save energy. Power down any electronics or lights when not in use.
ü  Take a brisk shower, not a leisurely bath, to save water
ü  Use re-chargeable batteries
ü  Fill up your dishwasher before running it
ü  Wrap gifts in fabric and tie with ribbon; both are reusable and prettier than paper and sticky-tape
ü  Ditch the air-conditioner and buy an aspidistra; plants help cut pollution.

At Work:
ü  Use supplies made from recycled products
ü  Instead of printing hard copies, save them to your hard drive or email them to yourself to save paper
ü  User paper clips instead of staples
ü  Reuse large, manila envelopes with metal clips. File folders can also be reused by replacing labels
ü  Pack your lunch in reusable bags or coolers instead of disposable paper or plastic bags.
ü  Bring a mug to the office instead of using polystyrene cups
We must take it upon ourselves to look after our planet. Preserve the Earth, and we all will secure a green future for ourselves and our children. Let’s all celebrate Earth Day. Not only on 22nd April, but every single day of our lives.



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